How does the school know if children need extra help?
At Braeside we treat each child as an individual. Your child will be allocated a Key Worker who will be responsible for your child’s development. Through the use of observations and planning for their next steps we are able to identify any concerns which we will share with you, and with consent we will contact other professionals if required. If you have any concerns about your child you should speak with your child’s Key Worker who will be able to advise you further.
How will staff support my child?
We build a strong relationship between with our parents. Your child’s Key Worker will meet with you regularly to discuss your child’s development and any next steps that are agreed. We are always available to discuss any concerns you have regarding your child’s learning. The School SENDCo and Area SENDCo are also available to help and advise.
How are staff trained to support children with SEND?
All Early Years staff are either fully qualified with at least a Level 3 Early Years qualification, or are currently studying for qualifications. We provide further training in a variety of areas for all Early Years staff on a regular basis, both in-house and externally. We have access to private speech therapy and specialist teachers.
How accessible is the Early Years setting?
The school currently has limited facilities for the disabled. However, we will do all that is reasonable to accommodate the needs of prospective children who have disabilities for which, with reasonable adjustments, the school can cater adequately. See our Accessibility Plan on the Policies Page for further information.
How will you help to prepare my child to join the Braeside Early Years?
Before your child joins the school we encourage you to visit the setting. We have a welcome meeting before the proposed start date for all new children and families to meet each other and their key person. We operate an ‘open door’ policy and share a home school diary with every child. Regular newsletters are available on the website.