The day to day welfare of our Infant pupils is managed by their Class Teachers. We encourage our Infant pupils to become more responsible and we support them to develop more organisational skills.
At the end of the school day the Class Teachers will only release girls into the care of a parent or carer who is known to us. However, parents can inform staff on gate duty in the morning when dropping their daughter to school about any after school arrangements, if they are not personally collecting their daughter at the end of the school day.
If parents wish to talk to the Class Teacher briefly this may be possible when they are collecting their daughter at the end of a normal school day. However, appointments can always be made to see a member of staff by contacting the school office when a mutually convenient appointment will be arranged.
Pupils who feel unwell during the day will be assessed by appropriate staff who will take a view as to whether contact with parents is advisable. If possible we support pupils to remain in school but clearly there are times when pupils’ needs would be better met by going home.
Those pupils staying for after school activities are provided with a snack and drink prior to the commencement of after school clubs.