
How early do you start phonics and writing?

How early do you start phonics and writing?

We begin phonics in Kindergarten and there is an element of phonics daily – these can be sounds and recognition. We look at blending in UK and Reception. We provide opportunities to write in Kindergarten – pencils, paper and other equipment is always available for pupils. They will start this…

When should my child start reading?

When should my child start reading?

Children start reading in Kindergarten with our phonics and reading schemes. Please do not worry if your child is not at the same level as their friends as at this early age all children develop at very different rates. In Reception, children start to take home picture books to describe to…

Do you offer before and after school care?

Do you offer before and after school care?

We have a Breakfast Club that currently runs from 7.30am each morning and an After-School Club that runs until 6pm. These are run by Braeside staff for children from 3 to 10 years. For Breakfast Club drinks, breakfast cereals and toast are provided each morning. Children are given a range of…

Will my child have a ‘key person’?

Will my child have a ‘key person’?

There is regular contact with your child’s Key Worker. Before your child joins Braeside, you will be invited into school to meet staff including the EYFS Coordinator and your child’s Key Worker. In addition they will spend some time with you finding out more about your child and giving you…

Where do I go for help and information?

Where do I go for help and information?

Our staff will always be happy to discuss your child’s learning programme with you.  Timetables and information letters are sent home regularly to keep you informed about the topics and your child’s work. Evidence is kept in each child’s personal portfolio and they also have books and folders that you will be…

When is the best age to begin school?

When is the best age to begin school?

All children are individuals and will be ready at different ages. We expect children to be out of nappies before starting school, unless there is a medical reason as to why this is not possible. We expect the children in our Kindergartens to attend full time to benefit from the…