Everyone had a fantastic evening last Friday for the annual House Drama Competition, which took place in Lopping Hall in Loughton. The hall was packed with friends and family all eager to see what the Senior pupils have been dedicating so much of their time to these past few weeks.
Bronte performed a fun and lively version of ‘St Trinian’s’, Fry performed an abridged version of ‘A Christmas Carol’, Mason did a great job of showcasing the play ‘Check Please’, and Nightingale finished the show with ‘The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon.’
The evening flowed smoothly, with every pupil performing their part to the very best of their ability. The pupils were confident and professional and the staff were very proud of them all!
The judges were Mr and Mrs Coates from Normanhurst School, and after a short interval they announced that the winners were as follows:
Best Actress: Simran
Runner Up: Nell
Most Promising Actress: Freya & Macey
Best House Play (Alexis Glasser Cup): Mason