Braeside Pupils Wow With GCSE Results – 2023


Braeside School yet again celebrated excellent GCSE exam results this year with an overall pass rate of 99%. Pupils achieved a 7-9 grade pass rate of 41% and 22% of pupils achieved grades 8 and 9.

Headmistress Chloe Moon commented, “Our top performers were Isabelle, Rebecca, Maddie, Eva and Adiba), who achieved 23 grades 8 and 9 between them. Adiba achieved grades 8 and 9 across her GCSE subjects and will be going to Woodford County High School for Girls for her sixth form studies. Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry), English Literature, Maths, Geography, Religious Studies, French, Spanish, History, Business Studies, Drama, Music, Computer Science and Russian GCSE subjects came in at 100% pass rate.

We are incredibly proud of how hard our students worked to get to their choice of sixth forms. We wish them all the very best for the future!”.