The Move to Co-education

We have been extending our provision to boys in a phased approach, starting in our Early Years from 2021/2022. As these children pass through the school, new male applicants will be able to join Braeside in the following year groups year after year.

We anticipate welcoming boys into our Seniors (Year 7) for the first time in 2028, with the ultimate aim of achieving an equal balance of boys and girls in the school.

Please use the chart below to see the academic year in which each year group will operate as fully coeducational.








Braeside believes that a co-educational environment is in the best interests of the children and benefits their learning and development. An important factor is that whole families are now able to become a part of the Braeside experience and educational journey, benefitting from all it offers.

Braeside has seen from the other Oak-Tree Schools the impact of socialising in a co-education setting for children from Kindergarten age upwards. As they pass from year group to year group throughout the school, children become used to the co-educational teaching and learning, developing the social interaction skills that prepare them for later life. The working world is co-educational and continues to evolve at great speed. As such, mixing boys and girls together builds life skills as they learn and thrive together as equals.