Parents of pupils in our Early Years, Infants and Juniors have the opportunity each day to talk to the class teacher either in the morning or in the afternoon. We are very happy for parents to contact us to make a longer appointment if they need a more detailed conversation with the form teacher or a member of the senior team. The Headmistress is readily available to see parents about a variety of matters.
We have at least one formal communication with home each term, which takes the form of a short report, full report or parent’s meeting. ‘Settling in’ reports are sent home after the first few weeks in school. There are regular newsletters and the website is always updated with information and news. We have a text messaging service and we email letters and news home. We also tweet our news and put it on our Facebook or Instagram page!
There are termly drop-in mornings for Early Years, Infant and Junior parents to visit the classrooms and annual coffee mornings for all parents to chat with the Group Managing Principal and Headmistress about school.